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Kollaborativ Consulting helps entrepreneurs, businesses and brands with big ideas design and execute effective social & digital marketing strategies that capture new audiences, elevate brands, and create sustained engagement. 


Who do we work with?

Entrepreneurs  |  Small Business Owners  |  Corporations  |  Social Enterprises  |  Nonprofits  |  NGOs & Civic Groups 


Founder and Lead Consultant Roshi Pejhan believes that social good and profit are not mutually exclusive and is always looking to work with positive social, economic, and environmental impact brands. 

Our services can be utilized a la carte, on a project basis, or compensated as a monthly retainer - customized to fit your budget and needs. Let's talk!

Social Media Mkg
Social and Digital Media Marketing from Kollaborativ Consulting
Social & Digital Media Marketing

We know you're unique, so why give you someone else's solution?!

Kollaborativ works with you to design effective social and digital strategies that reach your specific goals, customized for your market. Designing online campaigns that utilize the best tools and channels to reach your audiences, we work with you to make sure your brand message, mission, and social media presence all align and work cohesively - ensuring that you are actually connecting with your target demographics. 

Kollaborativ social and digital services can include:

  • Organic content creation and curation, including multimedia content (videos, podcast, etc) and copywriting services 

  • Branded viral campaigns to help launch products or advocate on issues

  • Paid social campaigns (Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Youtube, Google Adwords, etc)

  • Website Development

  • E-commerce solutions

  • Online community building

  • E-newsletters - strategies and content

  • Event marketing


We also offer training services/workshops if you would like to train your team on social media best practices.

Social Media Campaigns from Kollaborativ Consulting
Online Community Building & Social Campaigns

For clients who already have a strong brand and are looking to do something unique online, we can help you build digital public commons around your brand or a social cause you advocate for. Whether you are a corporation looking to launch a social impact project or a nonprofit who advocates daily, online community building is a vital way to engage audiences and empower them to be ambassadors for your cause or brand. 


From creating multi and cross-channel strategies that organically create community, to designing interactive and socially integrated spaces on your website, Kollaborativ works with you to elevate mere chatter into a swell of engaged brand advocates. 

Business Development and Marketing Strategy from Kollaborativ Consulting
Biz Devt & Branding
Business Development & Marketing Strategy

Whether you are starting from scratch as an entrepreneur or want to expand your existing brand or mission, Kollaborativ Consulting works with you to create sustainable business and marketing strategies, helping you identify new areas for growth so you can expand your audiences - and revenue. 


Our business development services can include: 

  • Guiding you step-by-step to create your business and clearly define your unique value proposition 

  • Forging long-term digital marketing strategies to help you be a dynamic and growing brand

  • Digital media audits, analyzing existing social & web engagement, evaluating ROI and areas for growth

  • Identifying opportunities for strategic online partnerships, helping you to forge these relationships for expanded digital reach

  • Creating Best Practices and Style Guides to help your team succeed long after we're out of the picture

Branding Services from Kollaborativ Consulting

Your brand is the foundation of your marketing strategy — it's who you are, defining what ideas, values, and emotions you associate yourself with and who you market to. Kollaborativ can help you shape and communicate your brand identity with visual and verbal clarity. 


Our branding and marketing services can include:

  • Mission and values creation and implementation

  • Brand messaging - taglines, marketing copywriting

  • Logo design

  • Collateral design

  • Brand culture and Best Practices evaluations

  • Website development

  • Website evaluation and upgrade

  • E-newsletter design 

  • Event branding

Explore More Consulting Options

Learn more about K-sessions HERE

  • Kollaborativ Twitter
  • Roshi Pejhan Linkedin
  • Facebook
  • Kollaborativ on Pinterest

Kollaborativ Consulting is a woman owned business


We are based in Central California and provide services

across the United States and internationally.

©All Rights Reserved Kollaborativ Consulting

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